Integrating the healthcare ecosystem
ImmTrac, the Texas Immunization Registry, is a secure and confidential registry available to all Texans. ImmTrac safely consolidates and stores immunization information from multiple sources electronically in one centralized system.
Iron Bridge has commercialized the process of integrating with state registries for the submission of immunization messages.
LINKS allows enrolled users to search for patients and view vaccination records in the LINKS Central Registry. Authorized users can add and edit patient records and vaccination records, as well as maintain facility, physician, and lot number data.
MCIR benefits healthcare organizations, schools, licensed childcare programs, pharmacies, and Michigan’s citizens by consolidating immunization information from multiple providers into a comprehensive immunization record.
The Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR) is a secure, confidential, internet-based immunization database containing the electronic vaccination records of Wyoming residents.
The Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) is a computerized internet database application that was developed to record and track immunization dates of Wisconsin’s children and adults.
NJIIS is a free, confidential, population-based online system that collects and consolidates vaccination data for New Jersey’s children and adults.
The Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS) is a free, confidential, web-based information system that contains immunization histories for Utah residents of all ages.
The Hawaii Immunization Registry is a secure computer system that stores and tracks patient immunization records and makes them available to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers.
The San Diego Regional Immunization Registry (SDIR) is a web-based immunization tracking system that allows providers and authorized users to access an individual’s record of immunizations, thereby determining what additional vaccines are needed.
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